HIDDEN GEMS Online Course
For individuals who want to obtain professional development that counts toward GCDF recertification or merely to learn about various interactive webtools that you can use with clients of students to help them with their career choices, this online course is just for you. Successful completion of the courses will result in a certificate verifying the completion of 12 contact hours for your professional development. For those of you that wish to use this for your GCDF recertification, this course has been pre-approved by the Center for Credentialing and Education for that purpose.
There are 29 activities and tools in this course in the following categories:
Identifying Interests and Skills
Finding Occupational Information
Improving Job Skills
Funding Education and Training Programs
Finding and Landing a Job
Making a Career Transition
The text book for the course is Job Seekers Online Goldmine which will be sent to you when you register for the course. What you need to complete this course:
What you need to complete the course:
Internet access -- high speed is preferable.
Ability to read MS Word documents
Adobe Reader to access pdf documents
Ability to hear mp3 files
Abilit to view video
The Goldmine textbook
The discipline to work on the course on your own.
There is a time limit.
You will have 12 weeks to complete the course. If you do not complete the course in the timeline offered, you will need to re-register for the course and will have to pay an additional 50 percent of the original fee.
When you start the course:
After receipt of payment, you will be sent an invitation email from pbwiki (the course host). You will need to click on the link provided and set up your own private account with your email address and unique password. You will use this each time you access the course.
How to pay:
You can pay by check. Send the check for $275 to Sage Solutions c/o Dr. Janet E. Wall, 300 King Farm Blvd. #102, Rockville, MD 20850
You can pay by credit card, by clicking on the buttons below. Paying by credit card includes the cost of credit card processing. The credit card host is PayPal. You do not have to set up a personal account with them to make a payment.
**Listen to Hidden Gems Presentation (gives you an idea of what you will learn in the Hidden Gems online course)****
sagesolutions@earthlink.net or 202-465-5774
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